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College Friends

An Exceptional Learning Experience

Trinity College Grade Examinations in Spoken English (GESE)

Registered Trinity Examination Centre for GESE

Our Programmes

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Initial Stage
Grade 1-3

Teens & Library

Elementary Stage
Grade 4-6


Intermediate Stage
Grade 7-9


Advanced Stage
Grade 10-12

About the GESE


Trinity’s GESE exams are designed to complement general English language courses, and exam preparation focuses on the development of communicative skills and building confidence among candidates.


GESE exams take the form of an unscripted conversation with a Trinity examiner and tests take between 5 and 25 minutes depending on the grade. At each stage, candidates carry out a number of speaking and listening tasks that show their fluency, accuracy and ability to communicate in English. Task components include:

  • The Conversation: An opportunity to demonstrate a realistic exchange of information, ideas and opinions at an appropriate level for the grade.

  • The Topic: Before the exam, the candidate prepares a topic of their choice – this is used as the basis for discussion and as the basis of a presentation at Advanced stage.

  • The Interactive task: A prompt from the examiner initiates candidate-led speaking and listening interactions – requiring an authentic exchange of information and opinions.

  • The Listening task: Short, spoken passages prompt the candidate to demonstrate prediction, deduction and inference skills (only at Advanced stage).

As they move up the grades, candidates undertake tasks that require a more advanced use of language. At higher grades, they are expected to take more responsibility for developing and directing the conversation, rather than simply responding to a series of questions.

What are the Graded Examinations in Spoken English (GESE)?




GESE: 主要特點

  • • 包容性: 等級適用於任何個體學習者 – 無論是初級學習者還是高級運用者,適合任何文化背景和國籍

  • • 方便性: 考試設計源於對課堂工作的支持,並不與課堂互相衝突,可成為任何類型英語學習過程中的一部分

  • • 相關性: 考試以考生為本,考試內容與個體考生息息相關

  • • 激勵性: 為英語學習提供了不斷進步的機會,考試測試考生能做什麼,而非他們不能做什麼

  • • 實用性: 考試注重語言運用的實踐性,並非只測試考生的理論知識

  • • 支持力度大: 清晰透明的考試大綱及相關考試資料指導教師如何幫助學生備考

  • • 回應信息: 考官在每次考期後均會對教師反映考試情況



這些考試適用於年齡為7歲或以上的所有考生 - 無論考生的水平是初學者還是高級運用者。考生可能是來自學校或高級院校的學生,又或者是為了個人發展而提高個人英語水平的學習者。

TOEFL Junior Prep. Programme: Service
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